I had lunch with my ex-colleagues and was talking about the different varieties of rice. Whether one likes brown rice, short-grain pearl rice, or thai fragrant rice? Organic or non-organic? Rice is still a main stable in my diet, even though I don't eat as much of it as before. But, now and then you will hear me retort 饭, 我 要吃饭! Not noodles or pasta. 饭! It's not possible to take the asian out of me. Rice to me is comfort food. I like brown rice for it's chewy texture and nutty flavour.
I came across this article about farmers who created beautiful paddy art in their yearly crops to bring more tourists to their village, Inakadate (northern Aomori Prefecture). Every year since 1993, the villagers have created pictures by using rice paddies as their canvas, living plants as their paint and brush. By using different varieties of rice, each with different foliage colours, they created large-scale paddy art. Before they made the switch to using computers, they did the planning and plotting manually. To me, these paddy art beat alien crop circles hands down.