Friday, September 10, 2010

Basil from the Garden and Breakfast

Basil from my Thai Basil pot
Instead of the usual fried egg with basil and tomatoes. I had
chee chong fun with basil and mushroom floss (Myco Farm).
Rocket, apple and passionfruit smoothie too!

Harvest time for my Thai Basil. 2 servings this time round. I grow basil in my balcony garden, fresh basil within reach all the time. No more supermarket Thai Basil for me. Usually, I will have them in my green smoothies or in an omelette. I could have more if I stop eating the leaves whenever I water the plants.

Rocket, Apple and Passionfruit Green Smoothie
Makes 3 glasses

2 big handfuls of rocket
1 fuji apple (big)
1 passionfuit
2 cups water

Cut the apple into chunks. Put in the rocket, passionfuit followed by the cut apple. I always put in the leaves first and followed by the the chunkier fruits/veg. Add water. Blend. Add honey if you have a sweet tooth.

Put in more fruits if the smoothie is too raw or grassy for you. Instead of tasting it all the time, a trick is to smell it. If it smells yucky, it is probably too raw. Having the correct fruit and veg portions is very important to make a wonderful smelling smoothie, and a tasty one too.

Pesticide free mushroom floss from Myco Farm. Ultra yummy!

The box of delicious mushroom floss is from Myco Farm at Seletar West Farmway 5. A hidden gem. We frequent this farm as it is just a short drive away from Sengkang. They supply to major supermarkets like NTUC  and Giant, and several restaurants in Singapore. Mushroom farm tours can be arranged if you give them a call. It's an interesting tour suitable for all ages on the benefits of mushrooms and how they are grown in Singapore.

What can you buy there? A variety of fresh pesticide free mushrooms, concentrated mushroom sauce, mushroom essence (like chicken essence), frozen ready made mushroom soup and mushroom floss. Myco Farm only accept cash. Yes, no nets or visa.

What kind of mushrooms do they stock? Shitake, Shimeji, Oysters, Abalone mushrooms. They stopped growing the very delicious King Oyster mushrooms because of the influx of the cheaper china or korean grown king oysters.

Learnt a lot about mushrooms from their helpful staff.

What's wrong with wet and soggy supermarket bought mushrooms? Never eat wet and soggy mushrooms, they are rotting and hazardous to your health. These mushrooms have been kept at the wrong temperature and probably have travelled a long long long way via a container ship to reach your supermarket shelf. Why not buy fresh local ones instead?

How to keep your mushroom fresh? Always store your mushrooms in the fridge in a paper bag, not a plastic bag. The mushrooms need to breathe.

Why are my mushrooms flavourless and rubbery? Soaked mushrooms are flavourless as mushrooms are like sponges. They will absorb the water leaving them unable to absorb any of sauces you add while cooking. Instead of soaking your mushrooms, wipe them with a damp cloth. Your cooked mushrooms will thank you for it. Buy pesticide free mushrooms all the time.

Mushroom selection

In case you didn't click any the of hyperlinks, click here to learn more about Myco Farm.

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